One of the Shrouds, named after Philip Lascaille after he was the first person to ever return from a trip to it (or any other Shroud), albeit irreversibly altered. The Sylveste Institute for Shrouder Studies parked a space station near it, and it was from here that investigatory ships would be launched. Such ships would include that containing Dan Sylveste and Carine Lefevre, both altered with Juggler transforms in an attempt to follow Lascaille's advice, the sole human communication he made subsequent to his initiation to revelation space, but before his mysterious death. The ships and station were destroyed in the gravitational flux event ensuing the visit, but Dan and Carine survived, initially unbeknownst to each other. Like the other Shrouds, Lascaille's contained the intelligences of those Amarantin known to the humans researching them as the Shrouders, possibly encoded into the local structure of spacetime within the Shroud. It was thus that one faction within, the faithful of the folkloric Amarantin figure Sun Stealer, imprinted an intelligence also by that name upon Dan's mind without his conscious knowledge, and another faction (opposed to the will of the first concerning the Inhibitors, whose extinction of the biosphere of Resurgam a million years prior prompted the creation of the Shrouds) imprinted another upon the mind of Carine, known later as the Mademoiselle.